Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dear Sophia,

What a busy week! I loved going to the kids' museum (and Lilly loved riding in the wheelbarrow!). I can't believe that they have a tiny grocery store with tiny carts and a tiny cash register. It was so cute! Mama says we were very efficient shoppers and she would like to see us to act that grown up when we are at the real grocery store. But grocery shopping is when I usually like to sing really loudly or pretend to be a kitty and can't decide whether I want to ride in the cart or walk.

It was fun shopping for Project Christmas Child. Mama says we will be able to find out where our shoeboxes went with all of our gifts. Leesia and Lilly are all ready for Christmas with their reindeer headbands! Lilly told me that she would like a ballet outfit for Christmas, but I told her to wait and see and that it is better to give gifts than to get them. That's what I've heard, anyway.


PS Next week is Thanksgiving! I can't wait!!!!



1 comment:

  1. Too cute!!! I love reading your posts, they're always so fun. :)
